Customer service, let alone satisfaction at this time, is something that falls far and few all too often. You have met and exceeded our expectations.
I can't thank you enough for everything you guys have done for me. The kart is incredible and I cant wait to take it for a spin. Thank you so much for all the help and for setting this up for me. Words cannot explain how I feel.
Ethan Mcdade
In addition to the parts I bought, I purchased a used Ital kart from your store a few days ago and I'd just like to say how helpful Michael was with the transaction. Your group knows how to treat customers.
Kevin Clemens
Thank you for getting my order together and shipped out so quick! Every one of your staff was super professional and a pleasure to deal with. Good luck on the re-opening of the BC store -look forward to future orders.
Luc Balduzzi
I could say it a thousand times and it wouldn't been enough. You are the definition of customer service.
Phil Warlow
Thank you for your incredible service! The site was easy to mange and made it really easy to compare certain products. Great experience coverall.
Paxton Reunanen
Thanks for the inquire! I tell you what, Mike, I am impressed with your memory and customer service! Especially with all that IM has going on! I appreciate it!
Scott Sievers
If there was a standard set for customer service, the team at Italkart has exceeded it. I just wanted to say thanks again for being fantastic to work with and above average in communications with me during all of the recent orders I have made. You are amazing!
Anonymous - Survey
We have a large inventory of Italian automotive parts. If you don't find what your looking for, please give us a call! Not all of our inventory is online yet!