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Bengio Rib protectors have become the brand people go to for the highest level of protection. Each piece handcrafted in Italy with the highest quality materials.

Shield - Bumper is a rigid shell rib protector manufactured with different layers of FIBERGLASS and CARBON FIBER, well crossed and dipped into a special resin putty. As a result they obtain a stiff, reactive and resilient compound. The special weave prevents you from splintering and ensure a high level of perforation-resistance.
Reactivity - Resilience allows Bumper to react and counteract every impact taking advantages of the shock waves reflection.
Padding - It’s very important to stop the vibration waves outside your chest so they don't spread all over your body. Bengio is internally lined with soft shockproof material with the right thickness and compactness to complete the damp action of the rigid protection.
Ergonomics - Its functional design assure the protection of the thoracic area, your ribs and vital organs too. For woman drivers, new protectors with special shape has been invented to fit female anatomy. The shoulder brace and the double rings front closure are fully adjustable crafted with tough bands and high performance velcro straps.

IMPORTANT - Wear your rib protector under the race suit and firm to your torso.

Watch Bengios  AB7 release video here

Watch Italian Motors Bengio sizing video here


8 products found in Bengio Rib Protectors

Bengio STANDARD Rib Protector
  • $ 189.00 USD
Bengio STANDARD PLUS Rib Protector
  • $ 215.00 USD
Bengio CARBON Rib Protector
  • $ 235.00 USD
Bengio CARBON PLUS Rib Protector
  • $ 265.00 USD
Bengio CARBON LADY Rib Protector
  • $ 215.00 USD
Bengio CARBON AB7 Rib Protector
  • $ 475.00 USD

Sold out

Bengio KEVLAR Rib Protector - EARLY MODEL SALE!
  • $ 99.00 USD
Bengio Seat Pad Set
  • $ 66.99 USD